Route 1X

David-Panama Express Bypass route 1X Pan-American Highway

Information about the route

There is sufficient traffic demand to enable this project to defray its construction and maintenance costs entirely from tolls.  A syndicate comprised of local real estate and construction interests needs to be formed to plot the exact alignment of the expressway, and then identify adjacent parcels suitable for future development newly-enabled by the transportation infrastructure.  These should be acquired even before eminent domain is authorized for the actual right-of-way, so as to capture the appreciation in land values.   Harnessing these profits for public benefit will, added to toll revenues, speed repayment of bonds sold for initial financing of construction.

Environmental and community impacts need to be evaluated and mitigated early in the planning process.  Assuming that local authorities welcome this proposal for relief of congestion in central David and for industrial development around the airport, their quick approval should, in turn, speed initial financing to pay for the studies, adjustments to the route if needed, mitigation of ecological impacts, and relocation of residents and businesses displaced by advance property acquisition.

Recent disruptions of traffic along the Pan-American Highway due to civil unrest underscore the need for bypass routes around core cities for sake of redundancy and disaster preparedness.    A myriad of factors both human and natural always pose a risk to normal operation of any infrastructure, so necessitating backup facilities.

David Southern Bypass Route -1X: Satellite Large – Central

David Southern Bypass Route -1X: satellite medium – central

David Southern Bypass Route -1X: satellite closeup – southeast

David Southern Bypass Route -1X: satellite closerup - west

David Southern Bypass Route -1X: satellite closerup - south

David Southern Bypass Route -1X: satellite closerup - far southwest

David Southern Bypass Route -1X: satellite closerup – far southeast