Interstate - 11

Reverse-Bifurcated alignments through Nevada intermediate towns

Information about route

Besides funding, since even the usual 10% share required of states to fund a new interstate highway would overwhelm Nevada’s pandemic-stressed transportation budget, greatest obstacle to completing Interstate 11 north from Las Vegas up to I-80 is routing through the intermediate towns: Beatty, Goldfield, Tonopah and Hawthorne. Typically such towns are bypassed and the lifeblood of their traditional core commercial “Main Streets” is sucked dry as truckers and motorists patronize new strip malls built around the bypass. The trick is to keep the traffic going through town without obliterating it with the new highway right-of-way. In response to NDOT’s solicitation of public comment for their EIS in April, 2018, explanation + graphics of “Reverse-Bifurcated alignments were submitted to show how this could be achieved.

I-11 Beatty NV Vicinity Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Beatty NV Medium Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Beatty NV Closeup Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Goldfield NV Medium Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Goldfield NV Closeup Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Tonopah NV Vicinity Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Tonopah NV Medium Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Tonopah NV Closeup Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Hawthorne NV Vicinity Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Hawthorne NV Medium Reverse Bifurcation

I-11 Hawthorne NV closeup Reverse Bifurcation