
Information about route

Six months later in 2013 after incorporating public comment into its 2035 transportation plan for Washoe County, RTC together with NDOT solicited public comment on a key project in the 2035 Plan: proposed upgrade of the northern stretch of Pyramid Way ( NV-445 ) through Spanish Springs with new freeway connection over to US-395. It seemed prudent to build upon the variant suggested to the 2035 Plan by upgrading the entire length of Pyramid Way north from I-80 into a toll expressway with median reserved for new technology transit. The expressway would be buried for the mile-long segment between 80 and McCarran Boulevard to minimize disruption in central Sparks. Joining the two forks just north of Disc Drive and south of Walmart would minimize congestion that will otherwise grow much worse as the Kiley Ranch and other developments are built out, and maximize the reduction in accidents for which Pyramid has become notorious.

RTC 2035 WJS-variant Pyramid 395

Pyramid-395 Connector

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